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For parents

Do you know a group struggling with parenting challenges or desiring to explore a different way? Each topic below:

  • is available as a presentation or workshop

  • is appropriate for parents meeting in any context

  • offers practical strategies for immediate use

  • can be bundled with other topics

Custom workshop or presentation content is available.

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For Educators & leaders

Most adults leading children encounter challenges with behavior & discipline. Each group presentation or workshop below:

  • helps adults in any context improve interactions with children

  • emphasizes organizational values in place of family values

  • offers problem-solving strategies that reinforce organizational values & standards

  • can be bundled with other topics

Be Wholly Healthy

There’s no one-size-fits-all health plan!

Explore 5 core areas of health that you carry into every role & context.

Learn a framework for assessing health in each area.

Identify practices that promote healthy functioning for each participant.

Establish intention, commitment, & individualized plan for pursuing whole health.

Additional resources for understanding, examining, & promoting health included.

Raising Children with Values

Work together to identify your family’s core values.

Then establish expectations, interactions, & discipline practices that reinforce those values, while effectively solving (emotional, behavioral, relational) problems.

(W)holy & Dearly Loved

Establish a parenting approach founded on Colossians 3…but not the verses we usually focus on when talking about family dynamics & expectations.

Change kid behaviors by interacting & communicating with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, & patience.

Learn strategies for improving parent-child understanding & alignment, so you can forgive & bear with one another.

Connect discipline with those dynamics to experience love, peace, & thankfulness.

Tackling Stress

Create a plan that includes specific practices to help you and your kids talk about AND handle any challenges or stressful situations that come up!

Includes strategies for releasing stress from your body and mind, tackling the physical AND mental tension that builds in all of us.

Introduces problem-solving processes to use collaboratively with kids AND ways to establish effective discipline.

Tackling Tough Behaviors

Show up with a particular problem behavior in mind. Leave with a written plan and script to manage it in calm and effective ways.

Introduces a discipline framework for using consequences to shape kids' behavior. Includes communication tips for addressing behaviors in healthy ways that maintain calm in the house.

Participants workshop how to combine healthy discipline and communication. Everyone leaves with a strategic plan for tackling those tough behaviors.

Keep the Labels

Where They Belong

Label kids’ stuff, not the kids.

Adults' reactions to kids often have more to do with our own thoughts and feelings than what the kids actually did or didn't do!

Good news: You have way more power to change yourself than to change others.

More good news: in this workshop, we team together to explore productive and healthy ways to perceive and address some common behavioral concerns with kids.

Talking WITH Kids

Too often adults approach kids as the all-knowing wise ones with something impactful to teach or tell. We forget to learn from them!

Understanding facilitates connection and collaboration, so let’s listen. Talk WITH kids - instead of talking TO or AT them.

Learn practical strategies to ensure that you come away from interactions with kids with a better understanding of their emotions and experiences.

Solving Problems with Discipline

Shift from contentious power struggles to collaborative problem solving.

We all get stuck in ruts. Perhaps you haven't strategically planned your responses to kid challenges. Strategies that used to work in your home don't anymore. Kids are developing & your approach hasn't developed with them. 

Together we’ll:

1) explore practical ways to understand problems that lead to power struggles

2) apply that understanding to cooperatively solve the actual problems (instead of punishing the apparent behaviors)

Reach out to Coach Clair for more about these workshops or customized speaking engagements