intentional parenting

Establish a strong parent-child connection to build mutual respect, agreement regarding expectations, healthy communication, & cooperation. It’s never too late to start!


NoticE kids

"Praising" kids has nearly become taboo. Many feel uncertain about how to appropriately provide feedback regarding kid's’ behavior. Rephrasing evaluations into observations is a great way to demonstrate to kids that you see them, take note of them, & recognize the impact of what they do.



Experiences & emotions are often minimized & invalidated by others, leaving us feeling insignificant and/or misunderstood. Responding with empathy to kids demonstrates that you see them, are aware of their experiences, & believe that their feelings matter.


prioritize connection

We are best able to engage in meaningful interactions with kids when we take time to stop our busyness, focus our attention, & truly listen. Sign up below to receive periodic brief & practical tips for improving your connection with your kids…and receive a FREE gift!


Use values as guidelines

Values, beliefs, & expectations are often clearly defined in other contexts. Mission statements communicate a company's values & core beliefs. Personnel handbooks help determine how to manage opportunities & challenges that arise. Identify & use your family's shared values to guide your interactions & approaches to handling challenges & opportunities as they arise within your home.


solve problems Cooperatively

We often approach disciplining kids differently than we tackle problems in other life contexts. Try viewing challenges between you & your child objectively -- explore them as external problems, rather than problems within either you or your child. Understand the true cause of your challenges BEFORE trying new discipline tactics. The best solution will not work if applied to the wrong problem.