
Through individual coaching and group presentations, I help adults and children who are struggling with a wide range of behavioral, emotional, relational, and social problems. My work with individuals, families, schools, and community groups emphasizes fostering healthy relationships that are characterized by open and effective communication. It includes a strong focus on empathy as a foundation for relational interactions and personal values as a foundation for way of life. 

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My role is to provide the support, encouragement, and resources needed to help others establish the skills and healthy support systems that will equip them to resolve personal challenges long term.

My training in a cognitive-behavioral doctoral program has melded with my natural bent toward interpersonal and family therapies, resulting in a truly integrative theoretical orientation. Some factors impacting overall health and progress that warrant attention in counseling include: emotions, thoughts, behaviors, relational attachment, therapeutic alliance, mindfulness, and balanced living. I encourage exploration and improvement of health in all areas of individuals' lives -- emotionally, relationally, spiritually, physically, and occupationally.

i am...

  • a mother, wife, church elder, friend, coach, counselor

  • passionate about and invested in seeing others grow

  • able to connect with and understand most humans

  • persistent, conscientious, honest, trustworthy, compassionate, assertive

  • creative, resourceful, and value utilizing people's strengths and capabilities in counseling

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i believe...

  • appropriate communication is necessary for healthy relationships

  • healthy relationships are necessary for growth

  • every individual has (often untapped) potential

  • the world would be a better place if everyone was more empathetic

  • balance is important -- we all need play to balance work, recreation to balance responsibility, silly to balance serious

  • the systems and contexts in which we exist have a tremendous impact on who and how we are

  • adults have the opportunity and responsibility to teach and model healthy living for children

  • personal values should be the guidelines by which we live and relate with others

  • the importance of effort trumps the importance of outcome

  • Les Miserables is one of the most breathtaking depictions of God's grace and humanity's capacity for depth, goodness, and love in existence